AP Lit. is a 3 trimester English course that counts as the English requirement but also prepares students for the AP test, which can earn them college credit if they do well.

Here are some of the highlights of the 2016-2017 school year:
First #Soperselfie when we made it through week 1 of AP Lit!

2016-2017 Goal Sheets

2 of our awesome students on homecoming court! (more not pictured)

Chef Maloney and Chef Harwood cooking us breakfast 

  Here are some highlights of the 2015-2016 school year:

Red and Black Day during Homecoming 2015

Goal Sheets the 1st week of school.  This is one of my most favorite activities and I've done it with my seniors every year since I began teaching. Many of these go up at their open houses or are things they hang onto longer. 

1st Term Reductions: These were based on their summer novel that they read, and students came up with some great ideas.  Some books of choice were The Memory Keeper's Daughter, A Prayer for Owen Meaney, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Othello, Their Eyes Were Watching God, and Death of a Salesman

Google Classroom and the addition of a class set of Chromebooks have really helped to transform our classroom.  My AP students have enjoyed the transition, and we now do all of our peer-editing, writing, and some of our class discussion and reading on Classroom.

In celebration of the holiday season this year, we gave the gift of words.  We drew a name, and then students had time to write a creative message, kind note, quote, etc. to one another.  My students really enjoyed this different type of holiday gift exchange, and I thank Susan Barber for sharing this idea. 

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