Wednesday, December 30, 2015

A Beautiful Gift

Today was a happy day.  My 2 kids and I were able to spend a few hours visiting with 2 of my former students who took time out of their busy schedules to hang out with us.  In addition to great company and lots of laughs, they also brought me a gift...Starbucks, a coffee mug, and some chocolates, which were so appreciated. Today, I truly got the most beautiful gift and the best gift EVER!                                                                                                                               

But, the best gift I received wasn't the coffee or the adorable mug (which I am so excited to use by the way). Rather, it was the company of these 2 amazing ladies whom I am still close with today. It was knowing that somehow, someway I had enough of an impact (or still do have an impact in their lives) that they would want to take time out of their winter break to visit with an old old teacher who makes them talk about school, and reading, and classes, of all things!  I am so blessed to have these former students and others still in my life.

I am a high school teacher, so in my 11 years of teaching, I have received very few tangible gifts.  Maybe a homemade treat thrown my way, or a box of chocolates here or there. But, I have received an immeasurable amount of gifts of kinds words and and gratitude from students. Such as:

My 9th graders who tell me they have never liked an English class before until having mine.

A 10th grader who stops by and tells me he misses my class, even though he barely passed and I assumed he couldn't stand it. 

A freshman who tells me that I'm the first teacher who's ever gotten her to read (and even like!) a book.

My former students who thank me for the help on the AP test when the receive their scores...even though they were the ones that truly did the work!

A senior I no longer have who tells me she was so glad she had me junior year.

A senior who thanks me for helping them with their college essays when they get into the college of their choice.

A graduating senior who asks to take a picture with me on graduation and tells me I was her favorite teacher. 

My many former students who come back and tell me that they feel extremely well prepared in college.  

The random emails, facebook messages, or tweets I get when a student sees a grammar error and just can't help cringe after going through Mrs. Soper's grammar boot camp. :)

A former student who tells me they admire me as more than just a teacher, but as a person.

The former student who tells me that I was one of the people that helped in her recovery from self-harm. 

My former students who donate books to help build my classroom library.

The former student who tells me that one of my favorite books, which he hated at first, inspired him to meet the author!

When my former students come back to talk to my classes.

The former students who ask me to have drinks or even buy me a shot (yes, it's true) when I'm out. 

And finally, my former student who told me that my words had helped him through a tragedy.

I am a high school teacher.  I do not receive many gift cards, or candles, or coffee mugs, or cookies.  Instead, I receive much much more.  I receive the gift of watching these students turn into beautiful adults, and sometimes, if I'm lucky, they acknowledge my help somewhere along the way.


  1. I have to say, when I started writing this particular entry, I had no idea how emotional it would be for me. I went back through some former facebook messages and emails, and I came across so many wonderful notes from students that it was difficult to put it all in words. If there was a teacher who impacted you in some way, be sure to tell them. It's what makes our jobs worth it.

  2. Also, I must give a special shout-out to the class of 2015 who DID buy me a massage for my birthday last year. Sorry, but that WAS an amazing tangible gift. :)
