It's been a rough past few weeks for me at work. I've had some absences due to health, have had a tremendous load of grading and work, and have just been overwhelmed. Fast forward to second hour Friday. When my AP students asked if they could bring in some breakfast snacks while we watched Act III of Hamlet, I had no idea what they were planning. They brought skillets, griddles, and toasters and had a full-out breakfast buffet complete with pancakes, hash browns, and eggs! They were even dressed the part, with chef hats fashioned out of paper towel and aprons. They blew me away with all their planning and work! It's my wonderful students that keep me going and doing what I do. I'm pretty darn lucky to work with such amazing young people.💗 It's moments like these that allow me to forget the stress and realize the good things about my job. #proudtoteach #mountienation1617
Oh and one small note: potatoes are still way better than hash browns. #sorrynotsorry
Sarah, I saw your post on ThisisAP and I really appreciated it. I just finished my second year of teaching (after returning to it 18 years later), and my first year of AP and loved it so much! I also believe in personal choice reading and I was intrigued by a comment you made that in class, you go into "depth, not breadth" and I wanted to talk to you more about that. I just finished reading Readicide and I think I'm guilty of OVERTEACHING my class novels. I'm trying to figure out how to do not do that, and yet still help kids develop the skills they need to pass the test and appreciate great literature. I'm sure you are so busy but if you had time, would you email me at so I can pick your brain? Thank you!